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Contextualizing Buddhist Temple Vandalism Discussion Panel

At University of the West, our values have always guided our expression of character, compassion, and community. This has allowed us to make sense of and cope with some of the things that happen in the world, particularly senseless atrocities. But what happens when...

The Story Behind the Degree

Please join us for a special three-part series for Common Ground that brings together department chairs, faculty, students, and alumni sharing stories behind their degree. They will be informally sharing their thoughts, anecdotes, narratives, experiences, etc. of how...

This Year’s Common Ground is Filled with “A New Hope”

Our annual Common Ground event kicks off next week. As usual, the UWest Chaplaincy Club will lead the opening ceremony. The keynote speaker this year will be UWest alum, David Woo. David is a Spiritual Care Provider at Homeboy Industries and Buddhist Seminarian. He is...

NextGen Buddhism Panel Discussion

ISHB is excited to present NextGen Buddhism, a special event featuring authors, Chenxing Han and Drew Baker. Both Chenxing’s new book, Be the Refuge: Raising the Voice of Asian American Buddhists (2021), and Drew’s new book, Converting American Buddhism:...

Please Join Prayer & Healing Vigil Friday 3/19@6pm via Zoom

Reminder on behalf of the UWest Chaplaincy Club and the university:Subject: Please Join Prayer & Healing Vigil Friday 3/19@6pm Dear campus community, Please join us in community, prayer, and healing tomorrow evening, Friday, March 19 at 6pm (Pacific Time) via Zoom...

UWest Lecture Series on Risk Management & Insurance

Professor Bill Y. Chen has invited several professionals to give guest lectures on Risk Management and Insurance to his MBA 526 Risk Management and Insurance class. All UWest students and faculty/staff are welcome to join these special seminars. The lectures will be...