Friday Letter from the President

Dear UWest Community: This past week has been a time of emotional upheaval.  The murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis calls us to the reality of a disregard to human life by some.  The senseless killing of people of color, unfortunately, has been continuing.  The...

Friday Letter from the President

Dear UWest Community: Phew, school’s out for the summer!!!  I bet I can hear a sigh of relief from many of us!  This year has been a very different year…  an Interim President, along with several new part time and full time faculty and staff; then, came COVID-19...

Friday Letter from the President

Dear UWest Community: It is hard to believe that it’s a bit over 100 days since the first alert of the presence of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Our lives have been changed forever. Thanks to all of your, our campus continues to be open for business and we have taken...